Spiritual Cleansing: Soul Cleansing Secrets No One Talks About & How To Cleanse Negative Energy From Your House In 7 Days (Positive Energy

Angela Grace, Hardcover

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If you long for freedom, peace, & joy but often feel like a frustrated & depressed mess then keep reading…

Have you ever been so happy but someone (or something) completely stomped your good mood into the mud? That person or situation likely attached its negative energy to your Aura

It’s so important to protect yourself from bad energy that lowers your vibration & throws off your goals & dreams

There are several threats that require your utmost attention.

Are you experiencing a period of great stress? Are you having nightmares? You likely need a proper cleansing of yourself & your home.

Have you tried smudging, sprays, & candles, & nothing seems to work?

Do you finally want to say goodbye to all of your wasted time & see what ACTUALLY works for you?

You see, cleansing yourself & home of negative energies & attachments doesn’t have to be difficult, even if you’ve tried every other cleansing book and YouTube video already.

In fact, it’s easier than you think.

The most powerful tool in your effort to remove these spirits from your home is sage. It has been scientifically proven that by burning sage around your body, you can kill 94% airborne bacteria (Collins, 2016). A scientific paper ‘Medicinal Smokes’ was published in 2006 & research from 50 countries concluded that, in addition to health benefits, smudging was a powerful antiseptic. If the positive benefits of sage have been proven then think what the secrets in this guide could do for you

Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:

  • A treasure trove of easy, step-by-step exercises you can do at home for a supercharged vibration & powerful cleansing
  • This quick number secret to seeing your souls characteristics & what they say about you
  • The spiritual insiders homemade potion to safeguard from malicious entities
  • The secret gland you can activate to skyrocket your energy & reach the stratosphere of the divine (& it’s not the third eye )
  • How to see (with your own eyes) the energetic movements in your home with just 2 kitchen items
  • The insiders step-by-step secret DIY spray recipe to dissolve negative energy
  • Unbeatable Guided Meditations to Banish Negative Entities, Cleanse Your Aura and Supercharge Your Life (& the items you need to power up your meditations)
  • The easy ‘invisible chair’ at-home exercise to release a lifetime of trauma
  • Made for you ‘7 Day Negative Energy Cleanse’ Daily (& nighttime) rituals to ENCHANT YOUR HOME WITH ANGELIC POWER (just follow this & see what happens )
  • *BONUS* FREE manifesting toolkit inside

& much more…

Take a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you can effortlessly cleanse your aura & home of harmful negative entities & energy. Imagine your friend’s & families’ faces when they step foot in your beautifully cleansed home

Spiritual cleansing isn’t reserved for those that spend hours meditating every day. In fact, anyone can do it. You can spiritually cleanse starting today with the amazing secrets inside, even if nothing has worked for you before.

You’re holding the key to cleanse & make space for literally anything you have ever dreamed of in life. It’s time to take action. Why would you ever settle for anything less than the joyous & blissful life you deserve?

So if you’re DONE with allowing negative entities to impose on YOUR auric space & have a burning desire to start fresh on your amazing cleansed journey then scroll up & click “Add To Cart”.


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Binding Type: Hardcover
Author: Angela Grace
Published: 12/05/2020
Publisher: Stonebank Publishing
ISBN: 9781953543745
Pages: 144
Weight: 0.80lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.38d

Additional information

Weight0.8 lbs
Dimensions9 × 6 × 0.38 in